Stitch Markers!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

So I finally got the stuff I needed to make some of my own stitch markers. I ended up getting some lobster claw clasps and some toggles, figuring they are cheap enough to only use the loop end. The also won't snag and already have a little loop on them to attach a wire or head pin to. I pretty much just put some beads onto the head pins I bought and used a pair of jewelry pliers to attach to the toggles or lobster claw clasps. Way easy. Took an hour and a half or so to knock out about 25 individual ones. Some though are a set of four, lots are sets of two and five are loners. I didn't like them as much so they didn't get a partner. So here are my pics:

In other news, I ordered the Sims 2 game for my mac. I used to have the pc version, but I figured the mac version would run on my computer better than the pc. Anyway they didn't even have a mac version when I first bought the game. I traded my sister an iPod for the Sims 2 and the Open for Business expansion pack. I want the pets one too, and the nightlife, but only for the cars. I saw that there is a Seasons expansion pack so you can have winter and stuff. They probably won't have that for the mac yet though. Either way I can't wait to get them, I miss playing.

Still waiting on some yarn to get here. Knitpicks order should be here friday, well at the PO Box. My stuff from is coming UPS I think. Prollie take a while. Anyway when I get the knitpicks yarn I can dye some more! I bought some bulky weight to make felted bags, and some sock yarn that is new from them, also from the Bare line, but a silk wool blend! Very excited. I got some shawl yarn too, to try that out. Haven't made any shawls yet, but my sister would probably like one.

Ok well off to bed for me. I have a lovely dentist appt tomorrow, for one of my teeth that chipped big time...sigh.


Teresa said...

I've been having a hankering to play to Sims lately too. I have to admit..playing on a p.c. IS kinda slow. Course..when you're running windows...*cough*.

I love those stitch markers! They are absolutely beautiful. Now I'm tempted to make some of my own and stop using the cruddy plastic ones.

Sandy B said...

The stitch markers turned out great!! I love them all!! Especially the very colorful ones! Maybe I need more? (Yea...right, have you seen how many I have?) I made a ton of them about a year ago when I made Clapotis, now they just sit in my Altoids tin. Time for another Clapotis?
Lol! Good job! Looks like you had fun!

crissy said...

i love your stitch markers too.
pc games huh sims huh. oh i love playing sim games i have two other kinds for the pc here one is cleopatra and the other one is emperor rise of the middle kingdom
in cleopatra you get to build egyptian kindoms and in the other one you get to play in ancient china. i have yet to get through each one. been playing those off and on for a few years now.
laura had me buy sims for the x box she plays that one i havent gotten to it yet.

Valerie said...

The Stitch Markers are awesome. -=applauds=- The Sims 2 is like WoW for me. It's my crack. -=giggle=- Then I'll just stop playing it. The Open For Bussiness one, you should probably read up on. It's weird because it's really hard to make the customers like you. Night Life is AWESOME! I never thought I would be so excited to get my Sim a car. -=giggle=-

c h r i s t i n e said...

Sometimes I get into these mad cravings to play the Sims 2 as well! It's really an addiction...

And I am jealous of your stitch marker skills. Mine are sitting on a tray waiting until I get better wire to use.

Montreal Mama said...

I'm an SP10 hostess, and I just stumbled upon your blog! I'm also hosting a stitch marker exchange, if you're interested!

come check it out!

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