Ohhhh boy......here we go......

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ok I don't usually post twice in one day...although technically it's now Wednesday anyway. So my classes start today, and since they are central timezone or something like that, I can access them at 11pm. So I went in and the one class was just what it said. 3D animation. Now the other class I wasn't sure about. Advanced Interactive Authoring and Design or somethin along those lines. Turns out that this is the next step up from the class I just FAILED. The advanced version. Oh man I'm gonna get it now...

I'm trembling in my boots, ok no boots, I'm not even wearing socks actually but if I had boots! I'm really gonna have to hit the books on this one. I don't even want to think about it. And our final project has to be for an actual client. JOY. I know that thinking this way is just setting me up for trouble, like asking to fail. Ugh, I just can't help it.

I was talking to my mom today and she knows I've been having trouble. And we really need for me to be working right now, but I don't know if I can do that and school at the same time. I'm stressed as it is now. I know it's bad too b/c when I am in school I don't sleep hardly at all. This last week I've slept just fine, because it's grading week and no work is done. Anyhow, my mom said she'd support me if I decided I wanted to take a break and try and get my business up and running, and see how that goes. I just can't figure out what I want. I don't want to drop out, god knows I've put in this much time, it would be a waste. At the same time I know that if my business does well, I will be doing that and not so much of the web design. Either way I'm torn. And I would need money to really start the business. Money that we don't have. Hubby just got a raise and even with that, we don't have any extra. Our bills are way more than half of what he makes, and the rest is groceries, gas, baby diapers and food and that's pretty much it. Nothing left, nothing to save, nothing to help put towards debt. Only paying minimums on the bills. Very frustrating.

Anyway I guess I just needed to vent. Life can be so darned stressful. Not to mention depressing...


Teresa said...

3d animation for web design? Wow. Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to be much help but...my husband works as a website designer and he doesn't even have a college degree. Truthfully, the business wanted him to have a two year degree. But, when he said he didn't have one they changed it to , two year degree or similar experience. A lot of people don't really actually look at the prettiness of the web site, they usually care about the back end. Maybe that might help you a bit. I'm not saying screw school, I am saying that if you've got enough know how now you could probably snag some clients. What's this business you're going to start up? (Believe me, I was in the EXACT same boat you were, so I know what you're going through.):D

c h r i s t i n e said...

Hattie, word.

At this second, I really feel the stress pain. It seems as though when is tucked in, another unravels.

You have a lot on your plate to deal with so just take a deep breath. Maybe you should drop the advanced class and retake the one you failed? Or just drop the advanced class, do your 3D animation, and work on your business.

No one ever warns us about how stressful the age of 22 really is!

Valerie said...

I agree with Emily on this one. Maybe you should really consider dropping that hard class. You're only going to put yourself through more stress that you don't need. -=hugs=- If ya need an ear or shoulder let me know. I am an email away!

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